Several times during the bootcamp, problems from CodingBat will be assigned as practice problems for homework or in-class exercises. In order for instructors to assess a student’s work on these problems, the work must be submitted by the student while signed-in to CodingBat; also, the student must modify their profile, to share completed work with the instructors.
If you don’t already have a CodingBat account, register for one by completing and submitting the form at CodingBat Prefs: Create Account. (There’s no need to use your CNM e-mail address when registering; use whichever e-mail address of yours you prefer.)
After you have successfully created and logged in with the new account, browse to the CodingBat Prefs: Account Settings page.
For each of the 2 e-mail addresses immediately below, perform the steps that follow. Be sure to do this one address at a time: the form will not process input correctly if the Teacher Share field has 2 or more e-mail addresses in it when the Share button is clicked.
E-mail addresses
- Copy and paste one e-mail address from the list (above) into the Teacher Share field.
- Click the Share button.