1 of the 2 major projects you will execute in this bootcamp is the personal Android project. As the name indicates, each of you will execute this project individually (of course, with the help and guidance of your instructors, and the support of your classmates), from start to finish. The earlier you can start thinking about this project, the better. In fact, part of this assignment is to compose the first draft of a project proposal.
Read the following pages of the Personal Android Project site:
Read and complete all of the tasks on Personal Android Project: Proposal.
- In step 1 of “Create repository”, use this link to accept the assignment: https://classroom.github.com/a/ufR0vT-E
- For the remaining steps, use the detailed descriptions in Personal Android Project: Proposal, along with the issues that have been created for you automatically under the Issues tab for your repository in GitHub. Those issues have checklists that you should use to keep track of the tasks you’ve completed.
After completing the above, post a comment below on this pre-work assignment. Consider the following questions in your comment:
- Why did you choose the topic of your app proposal?
- Are you unsure about the feasibility or acceptability of some part of your app idea? If so, what are you unsure about?