Packages in Java: Static Imports

Importing static members of a class or interface.


Besides the capability to import classes or interfaces, enabling the compiler to resolve simple-name-only references to those classes or interfaces, there’s another type of import statement available to us.

Many classes and interfaces declare one or more static members. Usually, we reference such an element using the class name, followed by the name of the static field or method. For example, the following code references two static members of the java.lang.Math class: the PI constant and the round method:

long roundedPi = Math.round(Math.PI);

(Note that we don’t need to import the java.lang.Math class in order to reference it by its simple name, since the Java compiler automatically imports all classes and interfaces in the java.lang package.)

Alternatively, we could start by including the following import static statements in the source code file:

import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static java.lang.Math.round;

With those imports in place, we could rewrite the previous references to PI and round like this:

long roundedPi = round(PI);

As you’ve now probably figured out, the import static statement permits us to refer to a static member without preceding it with the class or interface name. This can be convenient; however, it can also make our code less self-documenting. Thus, import static should be used with caution.


Like the non-static type of import statement, any import static statements must appear after the package statement (if present), and before any class or interface declarations in the file.


import static {packagename[.subpackagename[...]].ClassOrInterfaceName.staticMemberName};


(Note that the braces and brackets are part of the placeholders, and must not appear in the actual import static statement.)


The root-level package name.


Zero or more nested levels of subpackage names.


Simple name of the class or interface from which a static member will be imported.


Name of static field or method to import.

Note that the import static statement must be terminated with a semicolon. Also, remember that the braces and brackets are part of the placeholders, and must not appear in the actual import statement.


import static java.lang.Math.E;
import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;

This statement instructs the compiler to recognize any references to E or parseInt—the first a constant in the java.lang.Math class, and the second a method in the java.lang.Integer class—as references to the respective fully-qualified constant and method (respectively). Thus, the following rather silly code would be allowed (and properly handled by the compiler) in the code of a class or interface definition in the source file containing those import static statements:

double solutionProbability = parseInt("1") / E;


import static {packagename[.subpackagename[...]].ClassOrInterfaceName}.*;


(Again, the braces and brackets are part of the placeholders, and must not appear in the actual import static statement.)


The root-level package name.


Zero or more nested levels of subpackage names.


Simple name of the class or interface from which all static members will be imported.

Again, the import static statement must be terminated with a semicolon.


import static java.lang.Math.*;

This statement instructs the compiler to scan the contents of the java.lang.Math class, and to recognize references to static members of that class (the PI and E constants, trigonometric methods, logarithmic methods, etc.), without requiring that they be prefaced with Math..

With one notable exception (described in the style guide), the use of import static in Java source files is not permitted in this bootcamp.