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What follows is annotated pseudocode for a binary search over a sorted array of real numbers. Note that this—like virtually all pseudocode expressions (or programming language code expressions, for that matter) of a non-trivial procedure—is just one of many ways to express the binary search algorithm.
Beyond the basic arithmetic and logical operations, this pseudocode uses the following mathematical symbol:
Symbol Meaning $\lfloor x \rfloor$ The floor of a real number $x$—i.e., the largest integer that is less than or equal to $x$. Given
$D\text{: real array}$, of length $n$, to be searched: $D = (d_0, d_1, \ldots, d_{n - 1})$.
The elements of $D$ are in ascending order.
$v\text{: real}$ is the value to search for:
- If $v$ is in $D$, its position must be returned.
- If $v$ is not in $D$, $-(p + 1)$ must be returned, where insertion of $v$ at position $p$ would preserve the sort order.
To search for $v$ in $D$
$a\text{: integer} \gets 0$.
($a$ is the lower inclusive bound of the search range.)
$b\text{: integer} \gets n$.
($b$ is the upper exclusive bound of the search range.)
While $a < b$:
$m\text{: integer} \gets \left \lfloor \frac{a + b}{2} \right \rfloor$.
($m$ is the midpoint of the search range.)
If $d_m = v$,
return $m$;
(Done: $v$ is found at position $m$.)
otherwise, if $d_m > v$,
$b \gets m$;
($d_m$ is too high, so $m$ is used as the new exclusive upper bound of the search range.)
$a \gets m + 1$.
($d_m$ is too low, so $(m + 1)$ is used as the new inclusive lower bound of the search range.)
Return $-(a + 1)$.
($v$ is not in $D$, but inserting $v$ at position $a$ would preserve the sorted order.)
### Symbols
Beyond the basic arithmetic and logical operations, this pseudocode uses the following mathematical symbol:
| Symbol | Meaning |
| $\lfloor x \rfloor$ | The _floor_ of a real number $x$---i.e., the largest integer that is less than or equal to $x$. |
### Given
* $D\text{: real array}$, of length $n$, to be searched: $D = (d_0, d_1, \ldots, d_{n - 1})$.
* The elements of $D$ are in ascending order.
* $v\text{: real}$ is the value to search for:
* If $v$ is in $D$, its position must be returned.
* If $v$ is _not_ in $D$, $-(p + 1)$ must be returned, where insertion of $v$ at position $p$ would preserve the ascending sort order.
### To search for $v$ in $D$
1. $a\text{: integer} \gets 0$.
($a$ is the lower _inclusive_ bound of the search range.)
2. $b\text{: integer} \gets n$.
($b$ is the upper _exclusive_ bound of the search range.)
3. While $a < b$:
1. $m\text{: integer} \gets \left \lfloor \frac{a + b}{2} \right \rfloor$.
($m$ is the midpoint of the search range.)
2. If $d_m = v$,
* return $m$;
(Done: $v$ is found at position $m$.)
otherwise, if $d_m > v$,
* $b \gets m$;
($d_m$ is too high, so $m$ is used as the new exclusive upper bound of the search range.)
* $a \gets m + 1$.
($d_m$ is too low, so $(m + 1)$ is used as the new inclusive lower bound of the search range.)
4. Return $-(a + 1)$.
($v$ is not in $D$, but inserting $v$ at position $a$ would preserve the sorted order.)